What's new
ICARE version 7.8 new features :
ICARE version 7.7 new features :
ICARE version 7.6 new features :
- Improved treatment for edges with more than 2 triangles
ICARE version 7.5 new features :
- Option to compute the scattered field only
ICARE version 7.4 new features :
ICARE version 7.3 new features :
- Physical Optics for reflector antennas
- Re-use currents from a previous simulation
- Faster near field computation
ICARE version 7.0 new features :
- First parallelized version
- Improved post processing and 3D results visualization
- Reduced computation time for wire structures
ICARE version 6.67 new features :
- Source and observation visualization
- 3D surface currents and wire currents visualization
- 3D Far field pattern and near field grid visualization
- Sommerfeld or Fresnel ground plane
- Output file visualization, with integrated search function
- Automatic mesh size computation
- Detailed examples in the user manual
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